How to send back to school money to the Philippines with no fees

Canada By Serra Pinto Avimlah October 12, 2023

School tuition and supplies are expensive enough, so you need options to send money to the Philippines without incurring too many fees along the way. We understand and recognize the importance of education and transparency. Find out how much school costs in the Philippines and also how Western Union Canada fees work. That way you can send exactly what your family needs for school this year—without facing unexpected fees.

Tuition fees in the Philippines

Tuition fees vary on a child’s grade and school type. Let’s look at a high-level snapshot of the cost of school during a child’s academic journey in the Philippines.

Elementary school tuition fees

In the Philippines, elementary school spans from nursery to grade 6, and parents have the option to send their child to either a public or private school.

When a child attends a public school, tuition is not required because they’re attending a government-funded institution.

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However, when a child attends a private school, they will need around ₱30,000 for tuition, then additional expenses for uniforms, books, and other miscellaneous items throughout the year.1 A private grade school student will need around ₱57,000 per year in total.1

High school tuition fees

In the Philippines, high school comprises of two groups: four years of junior high school from grades 7-10, and two years of senior high school from grades 11-12.

Just like grade school, a parent may send their child to a public high school where they don’t have to pay any tuition fees. In this case, a parent just needs to financially plan for clothes, food, and small school supplies throughout the year.

However, many parents opt for private schools where their students gain more individual attention and access upgraded facilities. Private high school tuition starts at ₱40,000.1 Because high school covers more advanced subjects than grade school, books, and laboratory fees are a bit steep. A private high school student will need around ₱87,000 per year.1

College tuition fees

Of course, college tuition depends on the college and degree of study a student chooses. University tuitions range anywhere from ₱60,000 to ₱200,000—some institutions require even more.1

However, students can apply for scholarships and grants to subsidize some of that education cost. These subsidies will be based on the student’s grades and parent’s financial capacity.

Understanding Western Union Canada transfer fees

Western Union Canada respects the value of education and is completely transparent about necessary fees. Western Union Canada even offers a program called GlobalPay to help international students more easily pay for their tuition.

When sending money to the Philippines for schooling, you need to know exactly how much your transaction will cost. Because of exchange rates and other variables, the cost of every money transfer looks a bit different. Use the CAD to PHP exchange rate calculator to find out exactly how much your transfer will cost so you can prepare accordingly.

In the name of transparency, there are four types of transfer fees.

  • Bank transfer fees: Every financial institution requires its own fees for money transfers that are separated by sending fees, receiving fees, domestic fees, and international fees.
  • Intermediary bank fees: Some money transfers involve a third party to facilitate the transfer between banks. That intermediary bank may charge a fee.
  • Exchange rate: While it’s not necessarily a fee, it is a cost to consider when sending money overseas. For example, as of June, you could trade 1 CAD for 41.3919 PHP. But if you were sending money to Europe, 1 CAD would equal 0.6774 EUR. Fortunately, when you’re sending money to the Philippines, the exchange rate works in your favor.
  • Additional fees: Various other fees may factor in your money transfer, such as online fees, cancellation fees, etc. Be aware of that fine print when budgeting.

Pro Tip: Western Union also gifts new customers with an online money transfer for a $0 fee. So, take advantage of that perk if you haven’t already.

Western Union is ready to help you prepare for what’s next. Download the mobile app, use the website, or talk to an agent to get started today.