What Colombian Immigrants should know about Canadian Culture

Canada By Serra Pinto Avimlah June 23, 2023

Moving from one country to another typically requires adjustment, so moving to Canada from Colombia is no different. Because of its location, most people know that Canada has freezing, long winters across most provinces. There are also plenty of cultural differences to understand, ideally before you go.

Canadian Culture vs. Colombian Culture: What to Know

Cultural differences do not mean you can’t be yourself. After all, Canada is a melting pot of many countries and has terrific multicultural cities and communities. But even in the most multicultural communities, it will still be helpful to understand the cultural differences you may encounter.

Language Differences

The official languages in Canada are English and French. If you move to Quebec, you will be expected to learn French if you do not speak the language already. While many people in Canada speak Spanish because of its expat and immigrant population, English is spoken most widely, particularly in the workplace.

In Colombia, most people who speak other languages do so because they’re a native of a different country or they learned English for a job or as a hobby. In Canada, you will use English as part of daily life. However, if you work in a multicultural city like Toronto, Vancouver, or Calgary, you will be around many other people for whom English is not their native language.

Politeness & Social Etiquette

Canadians place a high value on politeness and respect, including arriving on time for appointments, meetings, and social events.

In general, Canada’s politeness plays a big part in creating a very welcoming and safe country. Obviously, crime exists in every country, but here, if you lose a wallet, you are more likely to get it back with all its contents still inside.

Two other aspects of politeness and respect Canadians consider important are personal space and privacy. This is where Colombians have a different view of what is polite. In Colombia, people tend to get very close to one another when speaking about a topic or trying to make a point. So, be aware that you may need to leave more distance between yourself and the person you are speaking to or standing next to.

The Canadian culture also tends to be more reserved than the expressive Colombian culture, so it may be wise to not be too direct or confrontational with people you don’t know well. This doesn’t mean you cannot be yourself but be aware of the cultural differences so you don’t accidentally offend someone who could potentially end up becoming a fantastic new friend.

Food in Canada

Canadians place a high value on respecting and celebrating diversity, which extends to food. Canada has many cities and communities that are quite multicultural – making it easy to find food from different global cultures such as Latin American, South American, Indian, and South Asian. Many Canadians are open-minded and accepting of people from different cultural backgrounds, so as you learn about the foods Canadians enjoy, feel free to share your own.

Work Culture

Canadians value a good work-life balance and taking vacation. In Colombia, you may be used to working longer hours and prioritizing work over personal time. Keep in mind, each company also drives work culture, so it does vary across the country and across industries.

One difference you may notice in most Canadian workplaces compared to Colombia is that there is typically a less hierarchical structure. Instead of a strict chain of command, in Canada, you will notice less emphasis on titles and more emphasis on collaboration and teamwork.

Moving to Canada from Colombia

In addition to these cultural tips, one of the best things to know is that there are many   that can help you make an easier transition to your new home.

You should also know that if you need to send money to Colombia or set up regular money transfers to family back home, it’s easy with Western Union’s mobile app or our website. You can pay by credit or debit card, through your bank account, or send cash in-store, and your family or friends can receive money directly in their bank account or for cash pickup at one of our many agent locations in Colombia.

The app is free to download, and you can get it on the Apple App Store  or on Google Play.