Creating Opportunity for new Americans

Giving By Robyn Burns March 14, 2023

Young adults who migrate to the U.S. in search of new opportunities face a multitude of barriers as they strive to access higher education and career opportunities. To help create pathways to success, the Western Union Foundation is proud to support the National Partnership for New Americans in the launch of the New American Youth Leadership Council (NAYLC). Now in its second year, NAYLC has helped more than 250 immigrant and refugee youth gain mentorship, leadership development, and career readiness support so that they are equipped with the skills needed to succeed in their new communities.

“Being part of the New American Youth Leadership Council (NAYLC), I was empowered as an Asian woman to learn more about the advocacy going on for immigrant and underrepresented populations. I have spent so much of my life being silent and thinking that my voice didn’t matter. Hearing what others want to do or have already done is helping me find my own drive and voice. I am empowered by NAYLC. It doesn’t matter how young or how many steps it takes, progress isn’t a straight line and anyone who has the courage to use their voice to spark change can.” – Grace D.

“In the NAYLC, one of the things I’ve learned is that storytelling can be a powerful tool that helps bring awareness to our different experiences. I have learned about the different aspects that shape and influence our identities, and why they are important to acknowledge. In the program, I met and built connections with other immigrant and refugee youth that have similar experiences as I do. That has been vital for those of us who don’t often get the chance to share space with one another.” – Alex N.

The NPNA is recognized as one of the Western Union Foundation’s signature Opportunity Beyond Borders partners. Opportunity Beyond Borders is the Foundation’s 3-year, $15 million commitment to empower underserved and forcibly displaced youth with the education, resources, and skill building needed to succeed.

Read more in the Western Union Foundation Impact Report

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