Food Spotlight: 5 Delicious Dishes To Make From Spain

Go Global By Christine Wardlaw August 10, 2016
Looking to make a delicious meal for the whole family tonight? Why not cook something from Spain? The European country is full of wonderful treats to make for breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert. If you’ve ever traveled to its capital city of Madrid or its second largest city, Barcelona, you are well aware of how amazing the cuisine is. If you want to broaden your horizons and try to make something new, Western Union (WU)has put together five different dishes from Spain that will have the family lining up for seconds. shutterstock_248887882
  1. Gazpacho
This chilled soup is a favorite in Spain, especially on a warm summer day. It’s even simple to make, all you need are your ingredients and a good blender or food processor. Grab a couple pounds of ripe tomatoes, garlic, onion, peppers, cloves and some salt, and mix it up until its creamy. Remember, it’s served cold – so refrigerate the mixture and then serve with a side of bread!  
  1. Tortilla Española
Start the morning off right with a Spanish omelet! This breakfast dish is made with potatoes, onions, eggs and of course, a tortilla! Lightly beat your eggs, stir in the vegetables and add some salt and pepper as necessary, before serving it with the perfect complement, a tortilla. It’s the perfect treat to wake up to in the morning.
  1. Pisto
This is a Spanish version of Ratatouille, which is a vegetable dish served cold in the summer. A typical Pisto dish will consist of zucchini, peppers, onions, eggplants, tomatoes and tons of spices! Some of the most famous Pisto dishes are ‘Pisto con Huevo’ and ‘Pisto Manchego.” The former includes a fried egg on top and the latter includes some slices of delicious Manchego cheese. shutterstock_374584051  
  1. Paella
This rice dish originated all the way back in the mid-19th century and is quite a treat in Spain. Some ingredients you’ll need to create traditional Spanish paella include: chicken broth, jumbo shrimp, chicken, chorizo, mussels and lots of fresh vegetables. This dish pairs best with a nice crispy baguette or a light salad, and will be a nice surprise for the whole family.
  1. Torrijas
Lastly, Torrijas are a Spanish bread pudding that are great for breakfast, but perfect anytime! Typically, these treats are enjoyed around Easter and they might resemble what some refer to as French toast. All you’ll need is some bread, milk, eggs and some sugar or cinnamon to drizzle on top. This is just a small sample of delicious recipes that you can cook from the country of Spain. It’s always a good idea to try something new, so don’t be afraid to explore new recipes, especially one from this amazing country. If you’ve ever cooked a traditional meal from this country, tell us what you made!