How To Write an Invoice Email

United Kingdom By Western Union September 3, 2024

How to write an invoice email

Sending invoices by email can save your business time and money. By swapping out the postman with digital communications, you can ensure your invoices are quickly and reliably delivered to your clients or customers. This streamlined billing process makes it easier for your clients to send money to you on time.

Writing an email for invoicing involves more than just attaching an invoice document. Find out how to write an invoice email correctly in this guide.

What is an invoice email?

An invoice email is a digital message sent to a client or customer requesting payment for goods or services provided. It includes an attached invoice document and an explanation of the transaction, the amount due, and payment instructions. It’s a convenient way to send invoices that make it easy for your clients to pay you online or through their money transfer app.

What to include in an invoice email?

Here’s what you need to include in your invoice email format to help your clients or customers easily send money to a bank account.

Email template

An invoice email template is a pre-designed structure that ensures all the necessary details are included. Using a template allows you to quickly fill in the relevant information and attach the invoice, making your invoicing process easy and efficient. It also helps you maintain consistency and professionalism.

Business brand

You should include your business branding in your email, such as your logo, company name, and tagline. This can help your clients or customers easily recognise your business and trust the invoice information.

Contact information

Including your business’s contact information is essential, including your business address, phone number, and email. This helps your clients or customers contact you should they have any questions about the invoice amount, due date, or payment method.

Invoice ID

Each invoice should have a unique invoice ID, or invoice number. Make sure to include this in your email to simplify tracking and reference.

Product or service provided

Clearly describe the product or service that you are requesting payment for, including any relevant details such as quantities, dates, and specifications. This transparency helps avoid disputes and can speed up the payment process.

Due date

Specify the due date for the payment in the email. This helps set clear expectations and encourages timely payments from your clients or customers.

Amount due

Clearly state the total amount due. Break it down if necessary to show subtotals, taxes, and any other applicable charges.

Payment methods

Ensure your clients or customers know how to pay you by outlining the accepted payment methods. More importantly, mention if there are any non-accepted methods to prevent delays and ensure smooth transactions.

Invoice email best practices

Here’s how to write an invoice email correctly according to best practices:

Clear subject line

On average, a person can receive around 121 emails per day. Emails with vague subject lines like “Payment Needed” can become lost in the newsletters and promotions or be mistaken for spam. To stand out, you need an invoice email format with a clear and concise subject line.

You need to include key information in the subject line, such as the invoice ID, product or service, due date, and your company name. This can look like “Invoice #12 for [Product/Service]” or “Invoice #12 for [Your Company] by [Due Date]”.

Attach the invoice

Don’t forget to attach the invoice as a downloadable PDF before you hit send. This allows your clients or customers to save and upload your invoice to their accounting software, ensuring timely payment.

Be friendly

You need to maintain a polite and professional tone in your email. Start with a friendly greeting and address your client by name to add a personal touch. This approach can improve your relationship with clients and encourage prompt payment.

Personalise email

A standard invoice email template saves time, but it can feel impersonal. Personalising your message shows you appreciate the client and their business.

Here are some ways to personalise the email:

  • Use the client’s name in the greeting.
  • Mention specific details about the product or service you provided.
  • Add a friendly note expressing your gratitude for their repeat business.
  • Highlight any special requests you fulfilled for them.

Send invoice early

Sending invoices early gives your clients or customers plenty of time to process and pay them. Ideally, send the invoice immediately after delivering the product or service. This helps keep your cash flow steady and allows adequate time to answer any queries.


Using a standardised invoice email format can help reduce errors, but you should always proofread the email before you send it to your client or customer. This can help you spot any discrepancies in the amount due or the payment date that could be confusing. It also ensures that there are no grammatical errors or spelling issues that could impact your business’s professional appearance.

Invoice email example

Here is an example of what an invoice email might look like:

Subject: Invoice #12345 for [Product/Service] – Due [Date]

Dear [Client’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. Attached is [Invoice ID] for the [Product/Service] provided this past month. The total amount due is [Amount], and the payment is due by [Due Date].

For payments, we accept [Payment Methods].

Please review the attached invoice and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further information.

Thank you for your business!

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]
[Your Contact Information]

[Your Company Logo]


After sending the invoice

Once the invoice is sent, there are a few steps you need to take.

  • New clients or customers: It’s a good practice to check in and confirm receipt of the invoice and answer any questions they may have. You can do this with a quick call or a short email.
  • Long payment term: A friendly reminder sent halfway through the term can be very effective. This helps avoid last-minute delays and ensures the client remembers the upcoming payment.
  • Missed due date: Send a polite reminder immediately after the due date passes. Offer help if there are any issues and work with the client or customer to set a new payment deadline if needed.

FAQs about invoice emails

What is an invoicing email?

An invoicing email is a digital communication sent to a client or customer to request payment for provided products or services. It includes an attached invoice and details about the transaction purpose, amount due, and payment instructions.

How do I email an invoice UK?

To email an invoice in the UK, use a professional template that includes all necessary details, such as Invoice ID, product or service description, and payment due date. Ensure the email subject line is clear and concise.

Is email acceptable as an invoice?

Yes, email is an acceptable method for sending invoices. It’s quick and convenient, allowing for faster delivery and payment processing.

How do you send an invoice professionally?

To send an invoice professionally, use a template, include a clear subject line, attach the invoice as a PDF, and ensure all necessary information is included in the email.