What is Lent, and who observes it?

United Kingdom By Western Union January 9, 2024

What is Lent, and who observes it?

Lent is a significant period in the Christian calendar, observed by various denominations, including Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and some Protestant traditions. It is a season of reflection, repentance, and preparation leading up to Easter, commemorating the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness.
At Western Union UK, we recognise the importance of fostering connections that go beyond borders. Let’s explore the meaning of Lent and shed light on the traditions and practices observed during this sacred season.

What is lent?

What is the meaning of Lent? It is a time for believers to pray, repent, and fast, mirroring Jesus’ 40 days of fasting in the wilderness.
This season holds deep significance as it prompts reflection on one’s spiritual journey, emphasising the values of self-discipline, repentance, and connection with the divine. Lent serves as a period of preparation and introspection leading up to the celebration of Easter.

When is lent, and how long is lent?

Lent officially commences on Ash Wednesday, which falls 46 days before Easter Sunday. The 40 days symbolise the time Jesus spent fasting in the desert, while the additional six days account for Sundays, which are not traditionally considered part of the Lenten fast. Lent concludes on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter.

Rules of lent fasting

Lent fasting rules involve abstaining from certain foods or activities as a form of self-discipline, spiritual growth, and solidarity with Jesus’ sacrifice.
Common Catholic lent fasting practices include refraining from meat on Fridays, giving up a favourite indulgence, or adopting a stricter diet; the underlying principle is one of sacrifice and self-reflection.

What to give up for lent?

Choosing what to give up for Lent is a personal decision guided by the desire for spiritual growth and self-discipline. Many people give up certain foods, such as chocolate or caffeine, while others focus on habits like excessive screen time or negative behaviours, like waking up late, social media usage and more.
Western Union is dedicated to fostering understanding and connections that transcend distances during this sacred season.
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