How to build a multi-generational brand that resonates

Newsroom By Deirdre Mueller December 4, 2018

In the current digital landscape, many companies are faced with the decision of whether or not to shift their approach to appeal to a more tech-savvy market.  Technology companies and payment services alike are increasingly transitioning to a millennial and Gen Z focus, but Western Union is taking a multi-generational approach to “future proof” the business.

In an interview with PSFK, Western Union’s Mike Hafer, SVP of Marketing and Field Execution, North America, explains the importance of maintaining a broad audience appeal. “Many financial services companies are tailoring their products and services to cater to millennials, leaving out generations that haven’t always operated in a digital-first environment without comparative servicing,” Hafer says. “When we look at Western Union’s demographic breakdown, we’ve found that nearly 40% of U.S. domestic customers are more than 50 years in age—so to exclude this generation would be a huge loss.”

Western Union’s marketing strategy creates an inclusive experience for multi-generational users and is achieved through the implementation of balancing brick-and-mortar stores with mobile capabilities. “At Western Union, our goal is to remove barriers so that consumers can conveniently and reliably move money—no matter how they choose to transact.”