The carte vitale for foreign nationals: conditions and how to apply

France By Western Union September 19, 2024

In France, any non-citizen who has a job or a stable residence can obtain a carte vitale (health insurance card) for foreign nationals and have their medical care covered. However, the requirements and procedure for obtaining the carte vitale will vary depending on the individual’s situation and country of origin (European or non-European).

Are you a foreign national currently living or planning to live in France? We’ll explain everything you need to know about the carte vitale for foreign nationals, including the conditions for getting one, the first application for one, and the documents you need, etc.

What is the carte vitale?

The carte vitale is a personal, confidential, secure and free card that can be obtained by all French citizens. It allows you to be reimbursed for healthcare costs (medical appointments, care received, etc.). As cardholders can be identified through the French health insurance system, it automates the procedures for declaring care and speeds up reimbursements.

Can foreign nationals get the carte vitale?

Yes, foreign nationals in France can get the carte vitale and be covered by health insurance. However, several conditions must be met in order to apply, including as regards the origin of the foreign applicant and their legal status in France.

What are the conditions for obtaining the carte vitale as a foreign national?

The main condition for foreign nationals to apply for a carte vitale is their status as either:

  • A European citizen,
  • A non-European citizen.

European citizens

Citizens of the European Union can get a carte vitale as a European foreign national under two conditions:

  • Engaging in a professional activity, or
  • Being able to prove a stable residence in France.

To prove stable residence in France, European foreign nationals must be one of the following:

  • A beneficiary of a specific benefit or allowance (family allowances, housing assistance, disabled adults’ allowance, income support, etc.),
  • Registered in an educational institution or as a trainee, within the framework of cultural, technical and scientific cooperation agreements,
  • Returning to France after volunteering abroad,
  • A family member coming to France to join or support an insured person working or residing in France on a stable and legal basis,
  • Recognized as a refugee or beneficiary of subsidiary protection, or as an asylum seeker,
  • A young minor or under the age of 21 and receiving child welfare services from an institution or service, or legal protection for minors,
  • In possession of evidence proving residence in France for more than three months.

Similarly, any European national living in France who has a European Health Insurance Card may apply for a carte vitale once the two-year EHIC validity has passed.

Non-European citizens

Non-European foreign nationals, thanks to PUMA (protection universelle maladie — French universal healthcare coverage), can also obtain the carte vitale and coverage for healthcare costs provided that they can prove they have lived in France continuously for at least three months at the time of applying, or that they have stable employment.

To prove stable residence in France and apply for a carte vitale, non-European foreign nationals, as is the case for European foreign nationals, must be one of the following:

  • A beneficiary of a specific benefit or allowance (family allowances, housing assistance, disabled adults’ allowance, income support, etc.),
  • Registered in an educational institution or as a trainee, within the framework of cultural, technical and scientific cooperation agreements,
  • Returning to France after volunteering abroad,
  • A family member coming to France to join or support an insured person working or residing in France on a stable and legal basis,
  • Recognized as a refugee or beneficiary of subsidiary protection, or as an asylum seeker,
  • A young minor or under the age of 21 and receiving child welfare services from an institution or service, or legal protection for minors,
  • In possession of evidence proving residence in France for more than three months.

Undocumented foreign nationals

Undocumented foreign nationals cannot apply for a carte vitale, since they cannot prove they live in France legally and they do not have a definitive social security number. However, undocumented foreign nationals can benefit from AME (Aide Médicale d’État — the State Medical Assistance program), which allows illegal aliens to have access to healthcare.

However, this assistance is granted under certain conditions regarding residence and resources:

  • Residence in France for more than three months,
  • Not having had a residence permit for more than three months,
  • Not exceeding a certain annual resource cap, which varies depending on whether the residence is in mainland France or overseas France. For example, the cap is €10,166 per year for one person in mainland France and €16,972 for two people in overseas France.

International students

International students residing in France can also apply for a carte vitale. While waiting to receive their carte vitale, foreign nationals can still benefit from medical coverage:

  • International students can use their European Health Insurance Card with healthcare professionals,
  • Non-European international students receive a certificate of entitlement stating the provisional social security number assigned to them.

It should be noted that, in all cases, social security numbers assigned to foreign nationals applying for the carte vitale will be the same throughout their lives, even if they decide to leave France or return to live there later.

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How to submit a first carte vitale application for foreign nationals?

To submit a first carte vitale application for European foreign nationals, you must register with the French health insurance system and apply for membership, based on either employment or residence criteria:

  • If you are employed or self-employed, you must complete form S1106, the carte vitale application form for foreign nationals, and form S041 concerning all periods of insurance, employment and residence in your country of origin,
  • If you reside in France for any other reason (retirement, searching for a job, family reunification), you must request form S1 under the social security system in your country of origin and complete it.

Non-European foreign nationals must apply for the right to health insurance and complete form S1106.

What documents are required?

In addition to completing the carte vitale application form for foreign nationals, you must provide a number of documents. Whether you are a European or non-European foreign national, you must present:

  • A copy of your passport,
  • Any document proving the legality of your stay in France (residence permit, visa, residence card, asylum application certificate, etc.). Are you a foreign national wishing to go to France? Find out how to get a visa for France from Türkiye or Morocco.
  • A copy of your birth certificate translated by a sworn translator (the copy must bear an official stamp),
  • A copy of your marriage certificate, if necessary,
  • An RIB (relevé d’identité bancaire — bank account details document) (for reimbursement of healthcare costs),
  • If you are employed, a photocopy of a paycheck or employment contract,
  • If you are not employed, proof of address proving residence in France for more than three months.

Where should the carte vitale application file for foreign nationals be submitted?

You can file your carte vitale application file for foreign nationals in one of the following ways:

  • Online, on the Ameli website,
  • By post, by sending your completed file to the CPAM (caisse primaire d’assurance maladie — health insurance fund) branch for your place of residence,
  • In person, by handing in the file directly at the reception of your local CPAM.

How long does it take to obtain a carte vitale for foreign nationals?

It takes about three weeks to process a carte vitale application for foreign nationals, but this may vary depending on your CPAM. Once your file is submitted, the French health insurance system will review your application and, once validated, you will receive a provisional social security number before you get the carte vitale.

You will then be notified when the carte vitale is ready for collection from the reception at your CPAM. Please bring a form of ID with you.

How can you renew your carte vitale as a foreign national?

You must renew your carte vitale for foreign nationals every year to continue to benefit from healthcare coverage. You can do this by going to a pharmacy.

To obtain a new one if your carte vitale is lost or stolen, you must notify your local CPAM (online, by mail, by telephone or in person) and provide your insurance number and documents proving your identity.


Why apply for a carte vitale as a foreign national?

The carte vitale allows any foreign national residing in France, whether from Europe or further afield, to be automatically and quickly reimbursed for healthcare costs (medical appointments, care received, etc.).

What information is on the carte vitale?

The carte vitale shows:

  • The identity of the insured (first and last names),
  • The social security number,
  • The membership scheme (general scheme, agricultural scheme, special schemes, etc.),
  • The local health insurance fund (CPAM).

How much does a carte vitale application for foreign nationals cost?

It is free to apply for a carte vitale for foreign nationals.


This article is for general information purposes and does not constitute legal or professional advice from Western Union. This article is not intended to substitute advice from an administrative advisor or any other qualified professional.