One Young World Summit 2019: 5 Key Take-Aways

WU Talks By Justina Saveikytė November 11, 2019

“You come back to the office all hyped and inspired to continue your work & step by step change the world,” – says Gabrielė Šalnaitė, One Young World Ambassador that represented Western Union at the latest Summit.  We sat down with Gabrielė to discuss what impact this participation had on her motivation and how internal employees can engage with the WU community of One Young World Ambassadors.
One Young World 2019

“I think that the idea of this organization really follows one of the WU’s 5 Betters: “Better Comes from Everywhere,” shares Gabrielė.  Here is where One Young World’s betters come from according to her:

  1. Purpose

Since WU is a purpose driven company, no wonder that having a higher goal motivates not only in daily tasks but also looking at the bigger picture. One Young World models its activities around United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals – it means that every initiative done by the Ambassadors is oriented to solve one of the globally acknowledged challenges.

  1. Community

“You never feel alone when you belong to One Young World community. You get to participate in the Summits with delegates and Ambassadors from all over the world. And when you come back, you have a WU group that supports you with their ideas and expertise,” – says Gabrielė.

  1. Inspiration

You hear quite a few inspiring stories at the Summit: successful cases of social enterprises, exceptional & life changing life stories (like the one shared by Yeonmi Park, who successfully fled North Korea) & real-life examples of initiatives organized by the young activists. Moreover, you get to network with all those people as well as spend time in amazing cities and places.

  1. Passion for the cause

Gabrielė says that the cause driving her forward is education and financial inclusion. She is actively working with local communities to teach socially sensitive groups of youth about personal finance. In addition to that, at the Summit she got to spend time Moving Money for Better Scholarship winners –  Cathrine Thebe and Trevor Schonewille who are the trailblazers in connecting people, fostering financial inclusion, and creating opportunity beyond borders. Read more about their work here.

  1. Leaders & role models

Would you want to meet and hear from world leaders? Not to mention other young people that are community leaders and successful entrepreneurs. Well, at One Young World one can learn directly from these people. As Gabrielė says, such interactions really change your mindset and fuel to do more & better.