How to Send Western Union International Money Transfers to Weixin’s Pay Wallet (known globally as WeChat)

Go Global By Western Union June 25, 2024

Want to send money to family or transfer salary back to your own account in China? Western Union has got you covered! We are excited to introduce our new service that enables you to send money straight into your loved one’s Weixin Pay Wallet.

Here’s everything you need to know:

Senders Overseas

How do I transfer money from Western Union to a Weixin Pay Wallet?

  • Download the Western Union App on Play Store or App Store, or
  • Sign up or login to your Western Union account.
  • Select “Send Money” and choose China as your receiver’s country and CNY as the receiving currency.
  • Insert the amount you wish to send.
  • Choose “Mobile Wallet” and then select “Weixin”.
  • Select your preferred payment method.
  • Provide your recipient’s Information:
    • Full name
    • Mobile number linked to the Weixin Pay Wallet
  • Complete payment and confirm transfer details.
  • Once you see the transfer record, it means the transfer was successful!

How does this service benefit me?

Advantages for using Western Union include:

Speed: Western Union money transfers are processed quickly.

Simple: The journey is straightforward. All you need is the recipient’s name and mobile number linked to their Wexin Pay Wallet.

24/7 Access: Send money at any time using the Western Union App or through

Reliable: We endeavor to put robust security measures in place so that customers are supported by a global financial system they can trust.

Western Union’s services combine convenience, speed and reliability, making it an excellent choice for international money transfers.

Receivers in China

How do I receive Western Union money transfers through Weixin Pay for the first time?

You will receive a text message from Tencent Technology on the recipient mobile number provided by your sender.

  • Click the link in the text message to open the “微汇款”Mini Program on Weixin.
  • Alternatively, search for “微汇款”on Weixin to find the Mini Program.

Important: You must complete the verification process within 48 hours. Here’s how you can do it:

Once verified, how do I continue receiving Western Union international money transfers?

After completing receiver verifications for the first time, receiving money into your Weixin Pay Wallet becomes even more seamless. This is because initial authentication is no longer required.

Once your sender completes the transfer through the Western Union mobile app or website, you can receive funds instantly.

How can I check my money transfer records?

  1. Open the 【微汇款】 Mini Program in Weixin.
  2. Click on “Records” to view transfer history.