Log in or register for a free profile to quickly transfer money to Fiji online.
Get startedTransferring money on the go is straightforward with the Western Union® app. Start a money transfer to Fiji on your phone and finish in-store.
Discover our appKeep money transfers to Fiji personal with help from our network of agents across the country.
Find locationsPut money in the hands of loved ones with a digital wallet transfer. Send money using Vodafone (Mpaisa)
Explore mobile wallet optionsTransfer money to Fiji from Canada 24/7, whether you’re out shopping or on your lunch break.
Send money online to Fiji and support family back home with quick repeat payments and real-time transfer tracking.
Set custom exchange rate alerts so you can send CAD to FJD at the perfect time through the Western Union® app.
It’s straightforward to transfer money from Canada to Fiji—just register for a free profile to get started.
Confirm your money transfer to Fiji using a bank account, credit card, debit card, or cash.
Simply use our app or website to track your money transfer from Canada to Fiji. You’ll get a notification when your loved ones have received their funds.
Pick the way that’s most helpful to you and your loved ones. Make an online money transfer to Fiji, send with our app or pay at an agent location.
Our encryption and fraud prevention efforts provide peace of mind by protecting every money transfer to Fiji you make.
Cash pickup is available across Fiji. From Suva to Lautoka, Western Union has more than 55+ agent and partner locations to choose from.
The most efficient way to send money from Canada to Fiji is through an online money transfer provider like Western Union. With competitive CAD to FJD exchange rates, transparent fees and both in-person and digital ways to receive money, you can find the best method for both you and the recipient.
You can transfer money to almost 3 banks in Fiji. Western Union partners with HDFC, Bredbank, and BSP and more for international bank transfers. Before starting a transfer, check if your bank qualifies.
A money transfer from Canada to Fiji can take anywhere from minutes to one banking day. Check out the most current information on bank transfer times.
You can send up to $2000 online to Fiji each day with Western Union. If paying to send money in cash, the maximum amount may vary depending on the agent location. You may be able to send up to $2000 when using a credit or debit card.
You can use our price estimator tool to get an idea of how much it costs to send money to Fiji. This will show you the transfer fees, exchange rates between CAD and FJD, and limits that might apply to your money transfer.