Keep informed and stay protected. The more information you have, the better you can shield yourself against criminals. Report fraud, stay updated on the latest scams, and learn how to detect con artists with these additional resources.
Protect yourself from fraud.
Only use Western Union to send money to friends and family. Never send money to someone you have not met in person.
Scammers sometimes encourage people to transfer money. Do not transfer money to anyone who asks you to send them money:
If you transfer money, the person you’re sending it to gets the money quickly. After the money is paid, Western Union may not be able to give you a refund, even if you are the victim of fraud, except under limited circumstances.
If you believe that you are the victim of fraud, call the Western Union Fraud Hotline at 800 2733140 / 1800 2733140.
Fraud Awareness brochure
Download a pdf version of the Fraud Awareness brochure
Elder fraud awareness brochure
Download a pdf version of the Elder Fraud Awareness brochure
Interdiction card