Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I unable to use Western Union services after receiving the message “Additional info needed, go to”?

To protect our customers, we review every money transfer to make sure it’s safe. For a variety of reasons, we may ask you to provide us with more information before we can allow you to continue using our services.

Why do I need to provide additional information?

We need additional information to understand why you use Western Union and the relationship between you and the person or entities you’re transacting with. The more information you provide, the quicker we’ll be able to complete your request.

How can I use Western Union services again?

To have access to our services again, follow the steps below:

  1. Gather the required documents. Please note that these will vary depending on your reason for using Western Union and your relationship to the person or entities you’re transacting with. At minimum you must be prepared with your government-issued photo ID, documents that relate to your purpose for using Western Union, proof of the source of the funds, and any additional documents that may provide support for the answers provided on the questionnaire. For more information, go to Help section at
  2. Go to and start the customer questionnaire.
  3. Complete the customer questionnaire:
  • Personal information:
    – Provide your first, middle (optional) and last names as they appear on your ID.
    – Share your current email, physical address and mobile number. Please make sure you provide an active email address for communication purposes.
    – Specify your country of birth.
    – Select your occupation and provide additional clarification if needed.
    – Enter a recent tracking number (MTCN) if available.
    – Upload a copy of your valid government-issued photo ID.
  • Relationships:
    – List people or entities you’ve transacted with using Western Union.
    – For each person or entity, enter the full name, relationship, purpose of transaction and upload supporting documents.
  • Source of funds:
    – Choose the source of funds from the drop-down list and upload supporting documents.
  • Third party details (if you are transacting on behalf of someone else) (if applicable):
    – Explain the purpose of transaction(s) and your relationship to the third party.
    – Provide the details related to the third party.
  • Fraud (if applicable):
    – Indicate if you’ve been a victim of fraud or
    – If yes, share a brief description of what happened.
  1. Review the accuracy of the information you provided.
  2. Select Submit questionnaire to complete the process.
What documents are suitable and why does Western Union need them?

a. Valid government-issued photo ID is needed to verify your identity.

  • Examples: passport, driver’s license, national ID.

b. Source of funds is needed to make sure that the money transfers are not related to illegal acts and correspond to the nature of your activity.

  • Examples: at least the latest 3 months of bank statements, at least the latest 3 months of pay slips, employment contract with salary, loan papers, sale agreement, winning receipt, tax return statement, etc.

c. Purpose of money transfer or intended use of money is needed to understand the basis for making the payment and the type of relations between the sender and the payee.

  • Examples:
    • Personal remittance/family support – the following documents are suitable to prove relationship: pictures with persons you transacted with, marriage certificate, counterparty’s birth certificate, counterparty’s government issued ID, etc.
    • Business remittance/payment for goods/services – bills, receipts, sale or purchase agreements, etc.
    • Education – evidence of tuition fees, etc.
    • Medical expenses – hospital bills, pharmacy receipts, health insurance premiums, etc.
    • Charity support – written acknowledgment from the charity, etc.
    • Purchase home – purchase agreement, mortgage documents, etc.
    • Gift – receipts, etc.
    • Travel expenses – travel tickets, hotel bookings, etc.

d. Third party activity (sending or receiving money on behalf of individual or business) information is needed to understand the purpose and nature of your relationship with Western Union.

  • Examples: business registration documents, letter of authorization by the company or notary, bank statement showing access to third party funds, etc.
What happens after I provided the additional information?

After we’ve received your completed questionnaire and required documentation, we’ll email you a response within 3 business days.

In case we have additional questions, we may contact you via the email address provided in the questionnaire.

Are my documents safe?

We’re committed to the security of your personal information. We use organizational, technical and administrative safeguards that comply with applicable government laws and regulations to secure your personal information. We also restrict access to the personal information that we process to only our employees, agents and representatives that have a business need to know it. For more information, read our Terms and Conditions and Online Privacy Statement.