Money transfers online directly to a bank account

Save your loved ones a trip to an agent location by sending money straight to their bank account.

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    FX: 1.00 PLN =


    Exchange Rates and Fees vary by payment and payout options and are subject to change. To check other options, simply click “Send now”.
    Smarter. Safer. Together. Learn how to #BeFraudSmart

    We encrypt your transfers

    We are committed to keeping your data secure

    You can track your money transfers in real time

    Quick and convenient

    When you register with us, you can transfer funds directly to the receiver’s bank account.

    Find out more


    We can move money to billions of bank accounts, so there’s no need to arrange a cash pick-up location.

    Check supported accounts

    Flat fee for bank transfers

    Check our rates for bank transfers in an instant.

    Fast, easy repeat transfers

    Want to send money to the same people again? Once you’ve added their bank account details, you can transfer money to them in just a few clicks.

    All sorts of uses

    Send money to family, friends, or even yourself. Western Union makes transferring money to a bank account effortless.

    Enjoy peace of mind

    Send money directly to a bank account quickly and reliably. Get notified by email when your bank transfer reaches your receiver.


    Get our money transfer app

    Make sure your app store region is set to Polish.

    Send money 24/7, from home or on the go

    Track our exchange rate1 in real-time

    Easy to send. Convenient to receive

    Learn more
    4.7 /5

    Rating as of 24 February, 2025.

    4.5 /5

    Rating as of 24 February, 2025.

    Scan the QR code to download the app
    (iOS | Android)

    Make fast money transfers online

    Get started

    Send money to bank accounts, 24/7.

    Access the site on your browser, from any device.

    Pay with your debit card or credit2 card.

    Send money at an agent location

    You can easily send money to a bank account in an agent location near you.

    1 Western Union makes money from currency exchange. Fees and rates subject to change without notice.

    2 If you’re using a credit card, a card-issuer cash advance fee and associated interest charges may apply. To avoid these fees or for reduced fees, use a debit card or check other payment methods.