Get a special rate and no fees on your first transfer.
$0 fees for bank deposit, mobile money, and debit card deposit.
Convert {senderCurrencyCode} to {receiverCurrencyCode} with Western Union to send money internationally.
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Fee: from {{strikedFee}} to {{fee}}
FX: 1.00 USD = from to
We encrypt your transfers.
We are committed to keeping your data secure.
Ready to pay in cash or want some extra help? We have more than 7,0001 agent locations across Mexico where you can start your money transfer.
Find one near you
Send money from Mexico to USA bank accounts, including Wells Fargo, Bank of America and more.
Find out more
We have more than 59,0001 agent locations across the USA – from Chicago to San Antonio and New York to LA.
Find USA Western Union locations
Our transfer service covers major USA banks, including JP Morgan and Bank of America. You’ll get transparent transfer fees3 and exchange rates from the moment you start.
We encrypt our transfers – but you can help too by learning more about how to spot fraud.
Find agent locations in Mexico. You’ll also find us in major stores like Elektra, Waldo´s, AirPak and Telecomm.
We’ve been transferring money around the globe for more than 150 years. Today, we transfer to over 200 countries and territories.
Head into your nearest agent location and you can send money from Mexico to the USA efficiently using cash or card.
Track your money transfers in real time on our website, then get a notification when the money arrives.
From Mexico, the maximum amount of money you can send in one day via Western Union is $7,499 USD. This amount may vary depending on your region or agent location.
To send money to the USA from Mexico, you’ll need to provide:
1 Agent location count valid as of June 30th, 2021.
2 If you’re using a credit card, a card-issuer cash advance fee and associated interest charges may apply. To avoid these fees or for reduced fees, use a debit card or check other payment methods.
3 Please make sure that the receiver’s name accurately matches the details of the bank account owner. (Account details may vary by country.).