Conveniently send money to Chile in your local area using cash, credit1 or debit card. Find us at one of more than 59,0002 agent locations across the US.
Find agent locationsRegister for a free Western Union profile and send money online in a few clicks. Or log in to transfer money whenever you like.
Learn about sending money onlineThe Western Union® app makes it easy to transfer money to Morocco on the go or finalize the payment later in person.
Find out about our appA money transfer can be made directly to your loved one’s bank account. All you need are the receiver’s details, such as the bank name, SWIFT/BIC and RUT (Chilean tax ID).
Find out moreFrom Santiago to Temuco, it’s easy for your loved ones to collect a money transfer in person at one of more than 7002 agent locations in Chile.
Find agent locationsMake it even easier to send money to Chile in the future by saving your loved one’s details.
Get notifications and real-time updates on your money transfer.
Transfer funds from anywhere and at any time.
Send money to s bank account
Make money transfers simple by sending directly to a bank account3 in Chile in only a few clicks.
Transfer speed
When sending money online using a credit1 or debit card, it can take as little as one to two working days3 for your funds to transfer.
Have your receiver’s details ready
Be sure to have the receiver’s correct bank account3 details to hand before transferring money. You will need the receiver’s account number, account type and RUT (tax ID).
Our commitment to fraud prevention means that you can send and receive money with peace of mind.
Send money to loved ones from more than 59,0002 agent locations in the US and pick up from more than 7002 in Chile.
Our network extends to more than 200 countries and territories around the world.
Send money to Chile using a variety of options. Money transfers can be made online, via the app or in person at an agent location
Register your free Western Union profile and start transferring money to your friends and family today.
Each money transfer will generate a unique tracking number (MTCN) so you can follow the progress of your funds as they make their way to your loved ones.
Save people’s details to ensure prompt money transfers in the future.
The maximum amount you can send to Chile from the US is 5,000 USD.
Sending money online is simple. Follow these quick steps:
You will receive an email confirming the money transfer. Your unique tracking number (MTCN) is also included so you can share it with the receiver and let them know when they can collect their money.
You will need to register a free Western Union profile. To do this and send money, you will need the following information:
Finding and using a Western Union agent location near you is easy:
Use our price estimator to estimate the total money transfer cost, including any transfer fees5, before you proceed.
1 If you’re using a credit card, a card-issuer cash advance fee and associated interest charges may apply. To avoid these fees or for reduced fees, use a debit card or check other payment methods.
2 Network data as of December 31, 2021.
3 Please make sure that the receiver’s name accurately matches the details of the bank account owner. (Account details may vary by country.)
4 Funds may be delayed or services unavailable based on certain transaction conditions, including amount sent, destination country, currency availability, regulatory issues, identification requirements, agent location hours, differences in time zones, or selection of delayed options. For mobile transactions funds will be paid to the receiver’s mWallet account provider for credit to the account tied to the receiver’s mobile number. Additional third-party charges may apply, including SMS and account over-limit and cash-out fees. See the transfer form for restrictions.
5 Western Union also makes money from currency exchange. When choosing a money transmitter, carefully compare both transfer fees and exchange rates. Fees, foreign exchange rates and taxes may vary by brand, channel, and location based on a number of factors. Fees and rates subject to change without notice.