Search for the country you want to send money to for more details on the banking information you need, as well as the amount of time required to process the money transfer.
Please note: Bank name is mandatory in most countries.
Country | Currency | Delivery date5 | Bank details |
Albania | ALK | 1-2 banking day | IBAN |
Andorra | EUR | 0-1 banking day | BIC, IBAN |
Argentina | ARS | Up to five days1 | Account Number, Tax ID (CUIL), Purpose of Transaction, Receiver Nationality, Address – City, Province, Email, Mobile Number |
Australia | AUD | 0-1 banking day | Bank / State / Branch (BSB), Account Number |
Austria | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Azerbaijan | AZN | 0-1 banking day | IBAN, Purpose of Transaction |
Bahrain | BHD | 1-2 banking days | BIC, IBAN |
Bangladesh | BDT | 0-2 banking days | Branch Name, District, Account Number |
Belgium | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Bosnia & Herzegovina | BAM | 0-1 banking day | IBAN, Receiver Address, City, Postal Code |
Brazil | BRL | Same banking day | Branch Number, Account Number and Type, Receiver CPF (Tax ID), Date of Birth, Phone, Mobile Number |
Bulgaria | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Canada | CAD | 1-2 banking days | Financial institution number, Transit Number, Account Number and Type |
Chile | CLP | 1-2 banking days | Account number, Account type, RUT (Tax ID) |
China | CNY | Up to five days2 | Bank Card Number, Receiver Mobile Number, Purpose of Transaction |
Colombia | COP | 0-1 banking day | Account Number and Type, Receiver National ID, Address, State (Departamento), City, Mobile Number |
Costa Rica | CRC/USD | In minutes to 1 banking day | Account Number, National ID Number |
Croatia | HRK | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Cyprus | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Czech Republic | CZK | 0-1 banking day | Bank Name, Account Number |
Denmark | DKK | 0-1 banking day | BIC, IBAN |
Egypt | EGP | 1-2 banking days | Account Number, Purpose of Transaction |
Estonia | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Finland | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
France | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
French Guiana | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Germany | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Ghana | GHD | In minutes | Account Number, SWIFT BIC, Purpose of Transaction |
Gibraltar | GBP | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Greece | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Guadeloupe | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Guam | USD | Next banking day | ABA Routing Number, Account Number, Receiver Address, City, State, Zip, Phone Number |
Hong Kong | HKD | 0-1 banking day | Account Number, Bank Code, Branch Code |
Hungary | HUF | 0-1 banking day | BIC, IBAN |
Iceland | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
India | INR | In minutes to 1 banking day | Account Number, IFSC Code, Purpose of Transaction |
Indonesia | IDR | In minutes to 1 banking day | Account Number |
Ireland | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Israel | ILS | 1-2 banking days | IBAN, Purpose of Transaction |
Italy | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Jamaica | JMD | 0-1 banking day3 | Account number, Branch name, Receiver’s Mobile number |
Japan | JPY | 1-2 banking days | BIC, Account Number |
Kenya | KES | In minutes to same banking day | Account Number |
Latvia | EUR | 0-1 banking day | BIC, IBAN |
Liechtenstein | CHF | 0-1 banking day | BIC, IBAN |
Lithuania | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Luxembourg | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Malaysia | MYR | 0-1 banking day | BIC, Account Number |
Malta | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Martinique | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Mayotte | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Mexico | MXN | Same banking day | Account Number or CLABE, Receiver Address, City, State, Phone Number |
Monaco | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Morocco | MAD | 0-1 banking day | Account Number |
Nepal | NPR | In minutes to same day | Account number, Purpose of Transaction, Sender Relationship to Receiver |
Netherlands | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
New Zealand | NZD | 0-1 banking days | Account Number |
Nigeria | NGN | In minutes | Account Number |
Norway | NOK | 0-1 banking day | Account Number |
Pakistan | PKR | In minutes4 | IBAN / Account Number, Branch Name / Address |
Philippines | PHP | In minutes to 1 banking day | Account Number, Purpose of Transaction |
Poland | PLN | 0-1 banking day | IBAN, Purpose of Transaction |
Portugal | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Puerto Rico | USD | Next banking day | ABA Routing Number, Account Number, Receiver Address, City, State, Zip, Phone Number |
Reunion | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Romania | RON | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Russia | RUB / USD | 1-2 banking days (USD) 0-1 banking day (RUB) | Branch City, Russian BIC, Account Number; Purpose of transaction |
Rwanda | RWF | In minutes to 1 banking day | Account Number, Purpose of Transaction |
Saint Bartholemy | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Serbia | RSD | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Singapore | SGD | 1-2 banking days | Account number |
Slovakia | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Slovenia | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Spain | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Sri Lanka | LKR | In minutes to 1 banking day | Account Number, Branch Name, Purpose of Transaction |
St Martin | EUR | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Sweden | SEK | 0-1 banking day | Bank code, BIC, Account Number |
Switzerland | CHF | 0-1 banking day | BIC, IBAN |
Tanzania | TZS | In minutes to 1 banking day | Account number, Purpose of Transaction |
Thailand | THB | 0-2 banking days | Account Number |
Turkey | TRY | 0-1 banking day | IBAN |
Uganda | UGX | In minutes to 1 banking day | Account number, Purpose of Transaction |
United Arab Emirates | AED | 0-1 banking day | BIC, IBAN, Purpose of Transaction |
United Kingdom | GBP | 0-1 banking day | Sort Code, Account Number |
United States of America | USD | Next banking day | ABA Routing Number, Account Number, Receiver Address, City, State, Zip, Phone Number |
US Virgin Islands | USD | Next banking day | ABA Routing Number, Account Number, Receiver Address, City, State, Zip, Phone Number |
Vietnam | VND | 0-1 banking day | Account Number |
1 The initial transfer can take up to five days pending KYC validation, with subsequent transactions to the same Receiver bank account number occurring on the same day.
2 The initial transfer may take up to five days pending Receiver registration, with subsequent transactions to the same Receiver bank account number occurring within minutes.
3 First time Receivers must register.
4Except transactions requiring account repair.
5 Funds may be delayed or services unavailable based on certain transaction conditions, including amount sent, destination country, currency availability, regulatory and foreign exchange issues, required receiver action(s), identification requirements, Agent location hours, differences in time zones, or selection of delayed options. Additional restrictions may apply. See Terms and Conditions for details.