Contact Information

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Contact information for Western Union

Please contact customer service if you believe an error has been made on your transfer, you have an enquiry in relation to the service or you have a complaint:

An acknowledgement of your complaint will be sent to you within 5 business days of when we receive it. We will investigate your request and provide you with regular updates on its progress. The acknowledgement will contain the date of receipt plus a reference number, which should be used in all further communications with Western Union.

We will always aim to resolve your concerns as quickly as possible, if it is not possible, we will send you written acknowledgement within five business days. We aim to resolve most complaints within 15 working days, if we have not been able to do this, we will contact you regularly to keep you informed about the progress.

As soon as we have established all the facts and completed our investigation, we will provide you with a final response, no later than 35 working days, which will set our findings and explain our final position.

If you are dissatisfied with the resolution proposed by Western Union, you have the right to refer to:

  • The Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), which offers a simple, efficient, fast, low-cost, and out of-court solution to disputes related to online transfers. Visit:
  • Or you can file a complaint with the bank mediation service (