Send money with us to an Alipay user2.

From 1 to 31 Jan 2023, sender’s receivers could win a 40 RMB red packet¹ online! Send your first transaction of 2,500 RMB or more with us to an Alipay user to qualify.

We encrypt your transfers

We encrypt your transfers

We are commited to keeping your data secure

We are commited to keeping your data secure

Enjoy rewarding money transfers to an
Alipay user in China


Send money to an Alipay user

From 1 to 31 January 2023, a sender’s
receiver will get a chance to win a 40 RMB online red packet¹. To qualify, senders
simply need to send 2,500 RMB or more with Western Union to an Alipay user.

This promotion is only applicable for the first valid money transfer.


Receiver could get a 40RMB red

Your receivers can claim their online prize
through a link in the notification message pushed by Alipay.

Have questions on how to send or receive money?

Contact our Customer Care team or visit our FAQ page for more information.

1 Offer valid while stocks last. Terms and conditions apply. For any concerns regarding Alipay, please reach out to their customer service.

2 You are obtaining this remitance service from Western Union. Ant Group, its affiliates and the Alipay-branded products/services (collectively, “Alipay “) do not provide consumer remitance services outside China. Western Union partners with Alipay to facilitate the receipt of the remitances in the receiving market powered by Alipay’s technology.