Contact information for Western Union

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have

Can’t find what you need in our FAQs pages? Get in touch with our Customer Care representative.

If there is something wrong with your transfer, you can:

  • Contact us at 900 633 633.

The Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) offers a simple, efficient, fast, low-cost, and out of-court solution to disputes related to online transfers. For more information go to:

Contact us by phone

If you have questions about online transactions:

  • In Spain, call 900 633 633 (available daily from
    8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. h)
  • Outside of Spain, call +322 639 7098

Spanish: Daily, 8:00 am – 11:00 pm EET

Contact us by mail

Western Union Processing Italy
Lithuania UAB
J. Balcikonio Str 7, Vilnius, Lithuania LT-08247