Access Your Profile

Log in with My WU Profile Information

Please enter a valid last name

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Verify your account 
A verification code will be sent to your registered mobile phone number or email.
You have exceeded the limit of 5 one-time password requests per day. Please try again tomorrow.
Oops, something went wrong. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact our Customer Support.
We’re sorry, but we couldn’t find a profile matching the information you entered. Please check your records and try again. Be sure you are using the last name as it appears on your transaction records (i.e. receipts). We recommend providing your My WU number for best results. If you continue to have problems, contact us.
Please log in using your membership number and last name only, as we have found multiple accounts linked with your information.
This verification code is valid for 10 minutes. Please complete your verification within 10 minutes of sending the code.
Check your mobile phone.
Check your email
Verification code sent to your registered mobile number
Verification code sent to your registered email
Didn’t get it? Resend code.
The code you have entered is incorrect. Please enter the correct code or resend code.
The verification code has expired. Please resend code and try again.
Not your mobile number? Contact Us to update your info. 
Not your email id? Contact Us to update your info.
This verification code is valid for 10 minutes. Please complete your verification within 10 minutes of sending the code.
Great! You have successfully verified your profile.
Verification failed
We’re sorry but we do not have any contact details associated with your profile. Please update your account information or try to log in with your credentials.
Contact Us to update your information.