Register to send money from the Maldives

Register your profile in 3 simple steps

Simply follow these steps to send money online:


Create your profile

Make sure the information you provide matches your government-issued ID.

We are legally required to request the following information:

  • Full name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Date of birth
  • Country of birth
  • Resident / Non-resident
  • Occupation
  • Nationality
  • ID details
Instructional _ card processors

Verify your profile

Visit an agent location to verify your identity in person, with the same government-issued ID used for your profile creation. You’ll receive an SMS notification once your profile is verified.


Send money

With a verified profile, you’re now ready to send money online!

Instructional _ send n receive

A few reasons to send money with us

How much can you send online?

With Western Union, you can send up to 3,000 USD per online money transfer.

How much can you send online?

With Western Union, you can send up to 3,000 USD per online money transfer.

Ready to send money?

Need help?

Visit our FAQs or just get in touch. Our Customer Care is just a call away.

(+960) 333 2777

(English: 8.30 am to 10 pm, daily).

1 Funds may be delayed or services unavailable based on certain transaction conditions, including amount sent, destination country, currency availability, regulatory and foreign exchange issues, required receiver action(s), identification requirements, agent location hours, differences in time zones, or selection of delayed options. Additional restrictions may apply. See Send Form for details.