Log in or register for a free profile to quickly transfer money to United Arab Emirates online. You can transfer money to a qualifying bank account or a participating location for cash pickup.
Get startedTransferring money on the go is straightforward with the Western Union app. Start a remittance to United Arab Emirates on your phone and finish in-store.
Download the appKeep money transfers to United Arab Emirates personal with help from our agents.
Find a nearby locationTransfer money to bank accounts in United Arab Emirates directly. We work with local banks to make money transfers to United Arab Emirates simple for your loved ones.
By visiting a Western Union® agent location in United Arab Emirates, recipients can pick up their cash transfer in person.
Find a locationTransfer money to United Arab Emirates from New Zealand 24/7, whether you’re out shopping or on your lunch break.
Support family back home with quick repeat payments and real-time transfer tracking
Set custom exchange rate alerts so you can send NZD to AED at the perfect time
Lets say you are sending {{send-amount}}
If you send {{funds_out}}
And you pay in {{funds_in}}
Amount you paid {{amount paid}}
You will receive {{recvAmount}}
Check how much it may cost you to transfer money. Our price estimator shows you the current NZD to AED exchange rate.
You can send money to bank accounts in United Arab Emirates for free on your first transfer. All you need to do is register online and verify your Western Union® profile.
Get your recipient’s information before sending money. This includes their bank branch name, account number, and full address. Bank transfer times can be anywhere from minutes up to one banking day.
Pick the way that’s most helpful to you and your loved ones. Make an online money transfer to United Arab Emirates, send with our app or pay at an agent location.
We don’t just serve United Arab Emirates – you can transfer money to more than 200 other countries and territories1 from New Zealand.
Encryption and fraud prevention are a big focus of ours, helping protect your money transfers.
It’s straightforward to transfer money from New Zealand to United Arab Emirates – just register for a free profile to get started.
Confirm your money transfer using a bank account, credit2 or debit card, or cash.
Simply use our app or website to track your money transfer over to New Zealand.
Our vast network of agent locations allow your receiver to pick up cash close to home.
You can use our price estimator tool to work out the cost of sending a large or small amount of money to United Arab Emirates. This provides information on things like transfer fees5.
To make an online money transfer to United Arab Emirates, just follow these steps:
You’ll need a driver’s license, passport or government-issued ID to register online with Western Union®. When sending money to United Arab Emirates, your receiver’s account number, and the purpose of the transfer are required. We might also ask for additional information about your source of funds and occupation, depending on the amount of money you would like to send, when making a ‘large amount’ money transfer.
To transfer money to United Arab Emirates from a New Zealand agent location, simply:
You’ll have a wealth of choices when researching how to send money to United Arab Emirates. Whether supporting relatives in your hometown or transferring funds as a gift, the main options to send money are:
Online. Just register for a profile to get started.
Via our app. Another quick and easy way to move money.
In-person. Find an agent location close to home.
3 Additional third-party charges may apply.
4 Western Union makes money from currency exchange. Fees and rates subject to change without notice.