Currently, with more than 500,000 agencies worldwide in over 200 countries and territories, millions of people trust Western Union to send and receive money globally.
Send money online with our app so the recipient can collect it in cash or send it directly to their bank account.
Find out where your money is and receive notifications when your recipient collects it.
Track a transfer
Move money with greater ease. With the Western Union® app, you can send money anytime and on the go.
Send money online
Your receivers can pick up cash or receive a bank deposit.
Easy resend
Resend in just a few taps.
Instant estimates
Check your fees and exchange rates2.
Touch ID
Be ready to go in seconds.
Pay the way you want
With your card or in cash at an agent location.
Track transfer
See all your transfers at a glance.
Visit our FAQs or contact us. Our Customer Care team is
ready to support you by phone at:
+51 01 422 0014 o 0800 12080