Send money with Western Union right now

Fast, easy, reliable money transfers to 200+ countries and territories around the world.

Be informed. Be aware. Protect yourself from fraud.

We encrypt your transfers

We encrypt your transfers

We are committed to keeping your data secure

We are committed to keeping your data secure

You can have the money delivered in the way that is most convenient for your receiver.

Send money from any agent location in Switzerland in person.

Pay the way you like

Bank account

Sofort banking

Credit or debit card


International money transfer services at your fingertips

Send money on the go 24/7.

Track your money transfer in real time.

Resend quickly to friends and family.

Learn more
4.6 /5

Rating as of 31 October, 2023.

4.3 /5

Rating as of 31 October, 2023.

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Why choose Western Union?

With Western Union you can send money abroad quickly and reliably. Choose between getting help through an agent, or conveniently managing the money transfer at home from your computer.


Some reasons to choose us

It’s quick

Transfer money fast for cash pick-up around the world.

Reach recipients around the world

Transfer money abroad to hundreds of thousands of agent locations in over 200 countries and territories.

Choice and convenience

Choose between doing the money transfer with one of our agents or online on your own.

Check agent locator on for country and agent location availability.