We move money your way

You can send money with us in the way you want, almost anywhere you need.

Be informed. Be aware.
Protect yourself from fraud.

Why choose us?

A few reasons to transfer money with Western Union

Fast transfers

It takes just minutes3 for your money transfer to be available to your receiver.

Worldwide reach

With hundreds of thousands of locations in over 200 countries and territories around the world, your receiver will have many options to collect the money.

Choice and convenience

Transfer directly to a bank account or for a cash pickup.

How does it work?

It’s fast and easy to send money online. Choose:

You’re done! Track your transfer easily online

Create your profile today to send money online

Register at wu.com.

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Send money 24/7.

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What can you do with Western Union?

1 By selecting the send money button, you will be re directed to the Banco Union / Giros y Finanzas C.F. S.A. website. All content displayed within the Banco Union / Giros y Finanzas C.F. S.A. website, is their sole responsibility. For money transfer service purposes under the Western Union® brand, please refer to the Terms and Conditions  at westernunion.com.

2 By selecting the send money button, you will be re directed to the Acciones & Valores S.A. website. All content displayed within the Acciones & Valores S.A. website, is their sole responsibility. For money transfer service purposes under the Western Union® brand, please refer to the Terms and Conditions  at westernunion.com.

3 Funds may be delayed or services unavailable based on certain transaction conditions, including amount sent, destination country, currency availability, regulatory and foreign exchange issues, required receiver action(s), identification requirements, agent location hours, differences in time zones, or selection of delayed options. Additional restrictions may apply. See Send Terms and Conditions for details.