Send money to Dominican Republic from Spain

Send money to the Dominican Republic from Spain with Western Union and your receiver will receive it in minutes1 in cash or in their bank account.

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    Exchange Rates and Fees vary by payment and payout options and are subject to change. To check other options, simply click “Send money now”.
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    Dominican woman working

    We encrypt your transfers

    We are committed to keeping your data secure

    We’ve sent money around the world for more than 150 years

    Ways to send and receive money

    How can I send money to the Dominican Republic? Whether you’re sending money as a birthday present for a friend, to help a family member out or to invest in a business opportunity, do it with a service you trust.

    Register to send money to the Dominican Republic today

    Track your transfer

    When you send money to the Dominican Republic from Spain, you’ll be able to track the transfer with your unique Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN).

    Save the receiver’s details

    Make money transfers to the Dominican Republic easily by saving your receiver’s details. This makes it easier next time you send money.

    On your doorstep

    Whether you want to send money to Santo Domingo or elsewhere in the Dominican Republic, your loved ones can pick up the money from wherever they are by visiting their nearest Western Union office.

    Money in minutes

    When you send money from Spain to Pakistan with Western Union, your money can reach your loved ones in a matter of minutes1.

    Reasons to choose Western Union

    Committed to security

    Our encryption and fraud prevention measures help protect your Western Union money transfers.

    Sign up for free

    Sign up for free today. Enter your details to create a free profile either online or via the app.

    Pay however suits you

    Send money to the Dominican Republic online, from the comfort of your own home or while you’re on the go with the Western Union® app. Pay by credit/debit3 card or in cash at one of our branches in Spain.

    Worldwide reach

    With Western Union, you can transfer money from Spain to 200+ countries and territories around the world.

    Send money to the Dominican Republic with our app

    Use the app to transfer money to the Dominican Republic from Spain or start the process on the app and go to a Western Union agent location to make your payment.

    Track your money transfers to the Dominican Republic from Spain and receive a notification when it reaches the receiver.

    Send money to the Dominican Republic with our app in just a couple of taps.

    Download the app

    Rating as of 10 April, 2024.


    Choose your payment method

    With your bank details

    With a credit or debit card3

    Apple Pay® from our app

    In cash at an agent location/branch

    More information on sending money to the Dominican Republic

    Ready to send money to the Dominican Republic?

    If you would like more information, we have a frequently asked questions section below, but if you already know how to transfer money to the Dominican Republic, you can do it now.

    Don’t forget your loved ones on special occasions

    Remember your loved ones on all the big dates like Christmas, Mother’s Day or their birthday, and send them their present in a timely and reliable way with a Western Union money transfer to the Dominican Republic.

    Frequently asked questions about sending money to Dominican Republic

    How much money can I send to Dominican Republic from Spain?

    The limit for sending money to Dominican Republic from Spain with Western Union is generally EUR 3000 per transaction, although this depends on the payment method selected and on the identity check.

    What documents do I need to send money to Dominican Republic ?

    To send money to Dominican Republic , you’ll need a valid government-issued form of ID, such as:

    • National identity card.
    • Passport*.
    • Spanish work permit.
    • Spanish residence permit.

    *Spanish passports are not accepted.

    How long will my money transfer to Dominican Republic take?

    Transfer times vary, depending on the choice of delivery method:

    • In minutes2: If you’re sending money for cash pickup or to a mobile wallet, the money will be available in minutes.
    • 1-2 business days: If you’re sending money to a bank account, the transfer time is usually one to two business days.
    What is the maximum amount I can send from Spain to the Dominican Republic with Western Union each month?

    The limit for money transfers to the Dominican Republic from Spain is generally EUR 3000 per quarter, although this will depend on the sender identity check method and on local regulations. This limit may also vary depending on the choice of payment and delivery methods.

    Is there a limit on the amount I can transfer from Spain to the Dominican Republic?

    Yes, there are limits for money transfers from Spain to the Dominican Republic (generally EUR 3000 per transaction). These limits may vary, depending on the platform and level of identity check used.

    How can I send money to Dominican Republic online?

    To send money to Dominican Republic securely, please follow these steps:

    1. Register with Western Union.
    2. Verify your identity with an official document.
    3. Select Dominican Republic as the destination and choose how the beneficiary is to receive the money (cash, bank account or mobile wallet).
    4. Enter the transaction details and complete the payment using a credit/debit card or bank transfer.
    How much does it cost to send money to the Dominican Republic?

    The cost of sending money to the Dominican Republic varies, depending on the amount being sent and on the choice of payment and delivery methods. You can check the exact fees on the Western Union website or the app when you start the transfer.

    How can I send money to the Dominican Republic from Spain?

    You can transfer money to the Dominican Republic from Spain by registering with Western Union, verifying your identity and selecting how you would like the beneficiary to receive the money (in cash, into a bank account, or via a mobile wallet). Next, simply pay for the transfer by card or from your bank account.

    Which countries can I send money to the Dominican Republic from with Western Union?

    You can send money to the Dominican Republic from most countries where Western Union operates, including the United States, Canada, Spain and France, plus over 200 other countries and territories. The complete list of countries available for international transfers can be found on the website.

    How long should it take for my money to reach the Dominican Republic from Spain using Western Union?

    The time it takes the money to arrive will depend on the choice of delivery method:

    •  In minutes: If the money is collected in cash or received via a mobile wallet. Note that availability may vary.
    •  1-2 business days: If the money is transferred to a bank account. Note that availability may vary.
    What information will the beneficiary need in order to receive the money in Dominican Republic via Western Union?

    The beneficiary in Dominican Republic will need to present a valid official form of ID, along with the Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN), in order to collect the money at an agent location or receive it in their account.

    What information will the beneficiary need in order to receive the money in the Dominican Republic via Western Union?

    The beneficiary will need to present a valid form of ID, along with the Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN), in order to collect the money from any Western Union agent location in the Dominican Republic.

    How can I track a money transfer to the Dominican Republic using Western Union?

    To track your transfer to the Dominican Republic, simply enter your Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) in the tracking section on the Western Union website or app. This will tell you the current status and location of your transfer.

    Still have questions?

    Visit our FAQs or simply get in touch. Our customer care team is on hand to help.

    Funds may be delayed and services may not be available depending on certain transaction conditions, including the amount sent, destination country, currency availability, regulatory issues, identification requirements, agent location hours, differences between time zones, or choosing options with a delay. Additional restrictions may apply. See the terms for more details.

    2 Western Union makes money from currency exchange. Fees and rates subject to change without notice.

    3 If you use a credit card, a cash advance fee may be applied by the card issuer, along with the corresponding interest. To avoid or reduce these fees, you can choose to use a debit card or other methods of payment.