• Receiver
  • Payment
  • Review
  • Receipt

Frequently Asked Questions

Send Money in Person


Who uses Western Union® money transfer services?

Anyone who needs to send or receive money quickly uses Western Union. These include people supporting friends or relatives abroad and travelers who need to make fast, international remittances.


Who are Western Union® agents?

Western Union agent locations are independent businesses that provide money transfer services to their customers on behalf of Western Union. They are our representatives in the different countries you need to send or receive money, they may be banks, post offices, supermarkets, grocery stores, check cashers, mailbox centers, drug stores, travel agencies, depots, airports, train and bus stations, currency exchange offices and other retailers.


How can I find a Western Union agent location in Honduras?

Finding an agent location in Honduras is easy, go to our agent locator tool.


How do I send money from an agent location?

Once you get to our agent location, you will be asked to provide some information like your receiver’s first name, last name, the amount you wish to send, the country you are sending to and your government-issued ID; then just give the agent the total amount including the applicable fees.


What documents can I use to send money in Honduras?

You need to present a valid document from this list: International passport, government-issued national ID, residence ID, refugee ID, diplomatic ID

Acceptable IDs are subject to the banking laws and regulations of Honduras.


How much money can I send from a Western Union® agent location in Honduras?

You will be able to send up to 1500$ per transfer and up to 7500$ in rolling 30 days.


How money transfers are paid out to receivers?

Money transfers will generally be paid in cash or will be transferred directly to the receiver’s bank account if the option is available.

Restrictions may apply. Please contact a Western Union agent to get more information about restrictions.


How can I know the status of my money transfer?

You can check your transfer status online. All you need is the sender's name and the tracking number (MTCN – Money Transfer Control Number) printed on the sender's receipt


Can I send money at any time in an agent location?

Each Western Union agent location determines its own hours of operation. Some have extended hours and open during weekends.

Find a nearby Western Union agent location with our agent locator tool.