Send money online, starting at $3 USD transfer fee*
Set up your profile and send
money from virtually anywhere in
Jamaica, at anytime
With the My WU® Program you
can get rewarded every time
you send a qualifying transfer
Send money fast, 24/7
Access the site on your browser, from any device
Pay with your Jamaica issued Visa or MasterCard credit** or debit card
Send money to USA now, starting at $3 USD transfer fee*
Create your profile online
Make one-time visit at GraceKennedy location to
verify your identity in-person
Get your confirmation email and start sending online.
Send funds to friends and family in the USA on
Transfer money quickly and reliably
Western Union has been moving money for over 145 years
* Western Union also makes money from currency exchange. When choosing a money transmitter, carefully compare both transfer fees and exchange rates. Fees, foreign exchange rates and taxes may vary by brand, channel, and location based on a number of factors. Fees and rates subject to change without notice.
** If you're using a credit card, a cardissuer cash advance fee and associated interest charges may apply. You can avoid these fees by using a debit card, If applicable