• Estimate
  • Receiver
  • Payment
  • Review

Send Money


Count on Western Union when you need to send money fast. Your Receiver can pick up the money at any participating Agent location worldwide. Your money is generally availabile for pickup within minutes.*

* Funds generally available in minutes subject to terms and conditions of service, including Agent location hours and differences in time zones.




Restrictions and Special Notes


Sending from Uganda:

  • Money transfers sent to Uganda must include a test question.
  • Maximum principal Send amount is 7,500 US dollars or local equivalent per person, per transaction, per day.

Receiving in Uganda:

  • Receiver must be 18 years old to collect money.
  • Pay without ID will not be implemented for amount more than $500 USD or local currency equivalent.
    • - Uganda National ID
    • - Uganda passport
    • - Uganda driver's license
    • - Foreign passport with visa/entry stamp
    • - Makerere open sansity card (upon verification by the Bank)
    • - Individual Credit Financial Card (upon verification by the Bank)
    • - Asylum Seeker Letter
    • - Plastic Refugee card + Letter of Eligibility with reference number
    • - Plastic Refugee card + Family Attestation letter (family head only receiver/sender)
    • - Ugandan National ID
    • - Ugandan passport
    • - Ugandan driver's license (upon verification by the Bank for non-Ugandan citizens)
    • - Foreign passport with visa/entry stamp
    • - Individual Credit Financial Card (upon verification by the Bank)
    • - Plastic Refugee card + Letter of Eligibility with reference number
    • - Plastic Refugee card + Family Attestation letter (family head only receiver/sender)



  • Receiver must present correct Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN).

General Restrictions:

  • Money transfers must include a test question.
  • From 1st September 2009, Mandatory MTCN will be implemented in Uganda. MTCN will be the sole search criteria of Money Transfer in the system.