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Frequently Asked Questions
Send money online
How do I send money online?
How soon is my money available for pickup when I send it online?
What options do I have to pay for my online transfer?
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Is Western Union open for business?
I cannot pick up my money transfer because no agent locations are open due to COVID-19
If I can’t pick up my money transfer, what will happen to my money?
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Receive money
How do I collect my money in the United Arab Emirates?
How do I know if my money transfer has been received?
How are money transfers paid to the receivers?
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Do I need to register to send money online?
Is there a charge to register at Western Union’s website?
What do I need to register and send money online through Western Union?
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Identification process
Does Western Union need to confirm my identity?
How long will it take to confirm my identity?
Which Al Fardan Exchange locations can verify my profile in the United Arab Emirates?
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Consumer protection
Are there common fraud scenarios that I should be aware of and things I shouldn’t send my money for?
Somebody claiming to be from Western Union has emailed me. What should I do?
Can the test question feature secure my funds or delay payment of a transfer?
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Western Union agent locations
What transfer services are offered at Western Union agent locations?
How can I find a nearby Western Union agent location?
How do I send money from a Western Union agent location?
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Send money to a bank account from the United Arab Emirates
Can I send money directly to a bank account?
To which countries can I send money directly to my receiver’s bank account?
How do I send money to a bank account from the United Arab Emirates?How do I send money to a bank account from the United Arab Emirates?
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mobile app
Does Western Union United Arab Emirates have a mobile app?
What services can I access with the mobile app in the United Arab Emirates?
Does it cost to use Western Union® mobile app in the United Arab Emirates?
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Start online, pay in store
How does the ‘Start online and pay in store’ service work?
How can I ‘lock’ the total amount of the transfer at
What is the benefit of the ‘Start online, and pay in store’ service?
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Customer questionnaire
Why am I unable to use Western Union services after receiving the message “Additional info needed, go to”?
Why do I need to provide additional information?
How can I use Western Union services again?
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