Your receiver can collect your cash in person when you make a money transfer to Gabon. Your friends and family can choose from agent locations around the country.
Find locations in GabonSend money to your receiver’s mobile wallet3 linked to their mobile phone and it can be ready to spend in Gabon in minutes.
Find out moreMake an online money transfer to Gabon for loved ones to receive in minutes1 with cash pickup. Log in or register a free Western Union profile to get started.
Send money onlineUse our app to make a quick and easy money transfer to Gabon. Send money anytime, from anywhere and track your money as it travels.
Download appIf sending money to Gabon feels better in person, we’re here to help. Visit one of agent locations around France to start your money transfer.
Find an agent location Save your receiver’s details to your profile and make your future transactions easier.
Make money transfers to Gabon on the move, from wherever you are.
Track your money transfers in real time as they travel from France to Gabon.
Check out our online estimator tool and you can make money transfers to Gabon with the confidence of knowing any costs in advance.
Whether you have loved ones in Libreville or a colleague visiting Ivindo National Park, your friends and family in Gabon can collect your money transfer in person.
Your money transfer to Gabon can arrive within minutes1 when you choose cash pickup. Register to send money today.
Keep an eye on your transfers as they make their way across continents to your friends and family in Gabon.
Regular offers and discounts make sending money to Gabon regularly that much more accessible.
Streamline each money transfer you make, and you can forget about missing the moments that matter by scheduling them in advance.
Send money to Gabon online, via the app, or in person. You can choose whichever way feels right and works best for you.
Your money transfers are protected using data encryption and fraud prevention techniques, giving you complete peace of mind.
We operate in more than 200 other countries and territories around the world so that your money can reach the people who matter most.
Our payment options give you the choice to send money the way you like. Choose to pay in cash, by credit4 or debit card, or via bank transfer.
You can send up to €5,000 for cash pickup when paying by credit4/debit card, or bank transfer. If you choose to send to a mobile wallet in Gabon, you can send up to €2,200.
You can send money online to Gabon via debit card, credit4 card, Sofort bank transfer, or standard bank transfer. The money can be received in Gabon at a Western Union location for a cash pickup or to their mobile phone.
To start sending money:
In order to send money to Gabon online you will need to share some of you and your receiver’s personal details. The information required varies according to your payment and receiving methods. You will need to supply your receiver’s name, address, and their mobile wallet3 details if you choose to send money to their mobile phone. You might also have to supply the source of funds and the reason for the transfer.
Use our online estimator tool to get a free estimate of how much it will cost to send money to Gabon via all the available payment and receiving methods. Check details of any transfer fees2 and the current exchange rate.
Your money transfer will be ready for your friends and family in minutes1 when you choose cash pickup or mobile wallet and pay via credit/debit card, Klarna, or cash. It can take up 3 business days to be ready to collect when you pay by bank transfer. A bank transfer to a mobile wallet can take up to 4 business days.
1 Funds may be delayed or services unavailable based on certain transaction conditions, including amount sent, destination country, currency availability, regulatory issues, identification requirements, Agent location hours, differences in time zones, or selection of delayed options. Additional Restrictions may apply. See terms for details.
2 Western Union makes money from currency exchange. Fees and rates subject to change without notice.
3 Additional charges, including SMS and account cash-out fees, may be applied to the receiver’s mobile wallet account by the mobile network operator and/or wallet service provider.
4 Some card issuers may charge additional fees for using our services. Please contact your card issuer for more information.