Register or log in to your Western Union profile
at or via our app.
Choose the destination country, amount and debit Mastercard® as a receiving option. Add receiver’s full name and card information.
Pay for your money transfer and send. Don’t forget to share the MTCN with your receiver. The funds will be delivered in minutes1.
Send money your way – for cash pickup, to a bank account, to a mobile wallet2 and now a debit Mastercard®. Save your receiver’s details and make repeat money transfers around the world.
Quickly check transfer fees3 and exchange rates with a few taps and send money on the go.
Track a money transfer easily with your 10-digit Money Tracking Control Number (MTCN). Get notified when your receiver collects the funds.
Find the nearest agent location or send money to any of the hundreds of thousands of agent locations around the world.
Send money on the go or start a transfer and pay in-store.
Track your money transfer in real time.
Repeat transfers quickly to friends and family.
We’re always happy to help.
Simply contact our customer care team.
1 Transfer happens typically in 30 minutes, time can vary depending on receiver’s ability, Mastercard requires issuers to make funds available to cardholders within 30 minutes from approval.
2 Funds will be paid to receiver’s mWallet account provider for credit to account tied to receiver’s mobile number. Additional third-party charges may apply, including SMS and account over-limit and cash-out fees. Funds availability subject to terms and conditions of service. See Mobile Form for Restrictions.
3 Western Union also makes money from currency exchange. When choosing a money transmitter, carefully compare both transfer fees and exchange rates. Transfer fees, foreign exchange rates and taxes may vary by brand, channel, and location based on a number of factors. Transfer fees and exchange rates subject to change without notice.