• Receiver
  • Payment
  • Review
  • Receipt

How to send money with us

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Send money the way you want

Choose how you want to send money with Western Union:


Set up your online profile and
send money easy anytime.

At an agent location

With more than 2000 agent
locations1 in Guatemala, finding
one near you is easy.

How to send money

Simply choose your preferred method and follow our step-by-step guide.

Peace of mind
every time

Track your transfer

Why send money with Western Union?

It's quick

It takes just minutes2 for your money transfer to reach an
agent location.

It's convenient

With 500,000+ locations1
around the world, it's easy to
find one near your receiver.

It's reliable

We have over 145 years of
experience in money transfers
around the world.

Ready to send money?

Need some help?

Visit our FAQ section or contact us through our customer helpline.

1 Network data as of 30 June 2018. 

2 Funds may be delayed or services unavailable based on certain transaction conditions, including amount sent, destination country, currency availability, regulatory and foreign exchange issues, required receiver action(s), identification requirements, agent location hours, differences in time zones, or selection of delayed options. Additional restrictions may apply. See Terms and Conditions for details.

3 Please provide your receiver’s name as it appears on the ID they will be presenting to pick up the money.
4 Please use care when providing bank account information. Funds will be paid into the bank account corresponding to account number you provide. The receiver's account must be a local currency pay-out account.

5 Please provide your receiver’s name as it appears on the ID they will be presenting to pick up the money.