Send money online from Singapore


Register your profile in 3 simple steps

Simply follow these steps to send money online:


Create your profile

Make sure the ID information you provide matches your government-issued ID.

We are required to collect the following information:

  • Full name
  • ID details
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Date of birth
  • Country of birth
  • Gender
  • Occupation
  • Nationality

Verify your profile

Online profile verification is completed in just a few steps.

  • If you’ve sent money at a Western Union location before, please
    provide the same ID used most recently, to get verified quickly.
    Please make sure your ID has not expired.


  • Upload a photo of your government-issued ID.
  • Take a selfie with your phone’s front camera or a webcam and
    upload it.

You can also choose to verify your identity with Myinfo. It’s simple and fast. Myinfo is a Singapore government database that uses Singpass to access your details. After your identity is verified through Myinfo, you will be redirected to the Western Union page again.

You will need to have a valid Singpass account to get verified through Myinfo.

To verify through Myinfo:

  • Click on the Myinfo logo on ‘complete your profile’ page.
  • Log in through your Singpass account
  • Give your consent to access your information.

Send money

With a verified profile, you’re now ready to send money online!


Why send money with Western Union?

It’s quick

It takes just minutes2 for your money transfer to reach an agent location.

It’s convenient

With more than 500,000 locations3 around the world, it’s easy to find one near your receiver.

It’s reliable

We have over 145 years of experience in money transfers around the world.

It’s free for your receiver

Your receiver doesn’t need to pay any transfer fee to get the money.

Ready to send money?

How much can you send online?

After your profile is verified, you can send up to 5,000 SGD per transfer.*

Ready to register?

Last year, our customers made 268 million transfers

Need help?

Visit our FAQs or just get in touch. Our Customer Care is just a call away.

English: 24/7
Mandarin: 8 am to 12 am, daily

+65 6336 2000

* Send money limits may vary.

1 If you’re using a credit card, a card-issuer cash advance fee and associated interest charges may apply. You can avoid these fees by using a debit card.

2 Funds may be delayed or services unavailable based on certain transfer conditions, including amount sent, destination country, currency availability, regulatory and foreign exchange issues, required receiver action(s), identification requirements, agent location hours, differences in time zones, or selection of delayed options. Additional restrictions may apply. See Terms for details.

3 Network data as of 31 December 2019.