It’s simple to send money to Dominican Republic online. Register for a free profile or log in and move your money in a few quick clicks.
Send money nowTransfer money to Dominican Republic on the go using the Western Union® app. Or start sending money on the move and finish up in-store.
Download the appSend money in person by visiting your local agent location. With thousands of agent locations in the UK, you’re sure to find one near you.
Find an agent locationWhen sending money to Dominican Republic, why not arrange a cash pickup for a personal touch? Your family can collect cash from one of hundreds of agent locations.
Find out moreSave time for future money transfers by saving receiver details.
Send money on the go, anytime, anywhere.
Start the money transfer on the move and finish in-store.
Before you transfer money to Dominican Republic use our price estimator to predict the cost, including currency conversion and associated transfer fees2.
Use our price estimatorWhether it’s for a special occasion and the money needs to arrive that day, or a loved one needs cash quickly, cash pickup money transfers with Western Union only take minutes3.
Find out moreFor a cash pick up in Dominican Republic, you’ll need to supply your receiver’s full name and address. Speed up the process by having these details ready before you get started.
Find out moreRegister for free today and begin sending money to Dominican Republic in a matter of moments.
Simply share the tracking number (MTCN) with your receiver so you can both track the money transfer to Dominican Republic.
To send money quickly and easily in the future, simply save the receiver’s details for next time.
Choose a payment method that suits you and your availability, whether you’re at home or on the go.
With over 150 years of experience in sending money, you know your money is in reliable hands with Western Union.
You can feel confident knowing that all Western Union money transfers are encrypted, with thorough fraud prevention measures.
It’s free to register with Western Union and start sending money to Dominican Republic. Get started in a few clicks.
Follow these easy steps to send money to Dominican Republic online:
You will need the receiver’s full name and address as it appears on their ID. You will also be asked to supply the transfer purpose and your source of funds.
Follow these simple steps to send money in-store:
You can also lock in the exchange rate and transfer fees2 by setting up a money transfer online, before paying at an agent location within 24 hours. This means you can avoid any paper forms and all you’ll need is your photo ID to finish the payment.
You can predict the cost of transferring money to Dominican Republic, including any associated transfer fees2, by using our free price estimator.
Your money transfer for a cash pickup in the Dominican Republic can arrive to your loved ones in just a few minutes3. However, delivery times can vary depending on bank opening times, holidays, service delays and security checks.
Visit our FAQs or simply get in touch. Our customer care team is on hand to help.
1 Some card issuers may charge additional fees for using our services. Please contact your card issuer for more information.
2 Western Union also makes money from currency exchange. When choosing a money transmitter, carefully compare both transfer fees and exchange rates. Fees, foreign exchange rates and taxes may vary by brand, channel, and location based on a number of factors. Fees and rates subject to change without notice.
3 Funds may be delayed or services unavailable based on certain transaction conditions, including amount sent, destination country, currency availability, regulatory issues, identification requirements, Agent location hours, differences in time zones, or selection of delayed options. Additional Restrictions may apply. See terms for details.