Travel better with Forexchange

Forexchange is your ultimate ally for every journey: with 30+ years of experience in currency exchange and in partnership with Western Union, Forexchange offers complete range of travel services and products for every destination.


Everything you need for your every journey

Every year, 3 million people trust Forexchange for their currency exchange needs, thanks to 30+ years of experience. As the leading currency exchange company in Italy, Forexchange has 70+ branches nationwide. Forexchange’s mission is to enhamce every traveler’s experience and meet all travel and mobility needs.

Comprehensive travel services by Forexchange

Tours and Experiences

Explore curated tours and unique travel experiences.

Audio Guides

Enhance your travels with informative and engaging audio guides.

Trenitalia Tickets and Carnets

Conveniently purchase train tickets and carnets for your journeys.

Additional Services

Enjoy eSIMS, travel ensurance, and a new money transfer services in partnership with Western Union.


Italy’s premier currency exchange operator

Forexchange makes currency exchange simple and convenient. Through the online platform, you can book from 60 international currencies without extra commissions and chose the date and branch for pickup from over 70 locations nationwide.
Active since 1990, Forexchange serves 3 million customers annually, providing reliable and secure currency exchange for every journey.
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Forexchange – your travel companion

Your journey awaits

All Forexchange services are available on

This user-friendly portal lets you book currency exchange commission-free and purchase tours, Trenitalia tickets, audio guides, eSIMs, and travel insurance.