Verifying your identity in the UK

Verify your ID following our seamless identification process and increase send limits on your future transfers.


Why do I need to verify my identity?

At Western Union we put your safety first and strive to do all it takes to prevent fraud or any illegal activities.

ID verification is an important industry standard that we follow to allow you to freely and reliably transfer with Western Union.


Accepted forms of ID in the UK

Valid signed passport

Valid full driving licence (EU)

Provisional driving licence (UK only)

EU National identity card (non-UK)

EU residency card

Emergency/Temporary passport

Emergency travel documents

Ships passport

ID process at our agent locations

  1. ID verification

    To validate your identity, you are required to show your ID for any amount sent to destination.

  2. ID scanning

    The agent is required to scan your ID1 if you are sending £800+ or above. For amounts below £800, your ID can still be scanned with your consent.

  3. ID recall

    With your consent, we can store the scan of your ID, so you do not have to bring it every time you send money.

ID process online

You will be asked to verify your ID1 when you reach the limit of £800 sent at or via our mobile app.

If we cannot verify it using your profile information, we will request proof of your ID via email.

After verified, your send limit will increase.

1 Please note that for regulatory reasons you may be required to have your ID scanned and may be required to provide additional information on the source of funds, purpose of your transaction and relationship to your counterparty, regardless of the amount or destination country. The only way to proceed with the transaction will be to provide the requested information.